Minix the company which is indulged in making smartphone accessories, wearables, and smartwatches has recently expanded its portfolio in India with the launch of its Minix Hawk a smartwatch that is capable of keeping track of your health. The health tracker comes with an array of features and the company claimed that the device comes with long battery life, accurate heart rate monitoring, SPO2 sensor, and a lot more. To deliver a personalized experience of the device the company has shipped the device to us so that we can use it and get you in and out of the smartwatch and tell you whether to buy it or not. Let’s have a look at the review.
Minix Hawk Design
The Minix Hawk comes with a square-shaped dial accompanied by a classic black rubber strap. The smartwatch offers a functional button that helps you in getting back on the home screen and locking the device. The Minix Hawk comes with a compact design and is lightweight, I hardly felt the existence of the watch on my wrist, which was a good feeling for me as I usually don’t like wearing heavy watches. The overall design of the Minix Hawk is compact, simple, and impressive.
Minix Hawk Specifications
The Minix Hawk flaunts a 1.69-inch color touch display with 240x280 pixels. Under the hood, the smartwatch is powered by the Realtek RK8762C chipset. The device is equipped with sensors like a gyro sensor, heartbeat monitoring sensor, SPO2, and Blood pressure monitoring sensor. The Minix Hawk is also capable of measuring your body temperature, and more.
The fitness tracker comes with different exercise modes like walking, running, cycling, skipping, badminton, basketball, football, and more. You can connect the device with a smartphone app called Da Fit and you can monitor your health anytime along with a weekly report.
Minix Hawk performance
I have used the Minix Hawk for more than 3 weeks and I must say that monitoring my BP, temperature, heart rate, sleep cycle, and other activities has become very easier for me. The look and feel of the device are something that has attracted me to use the device for so long. However, I don’t know how accurate is the BP sensor on the device because I have tried checking my BP back to back several times, and every time it was fluctuating.
To check the accuracy of heart rate and SPO2 sensor I have tried taking the test simultaneously on different brand watches on the same wrist and the results were almost similar. So here I can say that the sensor works accurately and what else you are expecting from a smartwatch costing Rs 2,429. Overall I liked the Minix Hawk it's a good fit for someone who is planning to purchase a smartwatch under a price point of Rs 3,000.